Tallahassee Area Mensa
Welcome to the home page of Tallahassee Area Mensa!
Tallahassee Area Mensa a local chapter of the High IQ Society, American Mensa. The Tallahassee
area serves Florida from the Apalachicola River east through Taylor County including part of
Madison County and even a bit of Dixie County. Our area is also the only area in all of Florida,
Region 10 of American Mensa, to include a portion of Georgia. For a full view of the area we
cover, visit our map.
Interested in joining Mensa? The only qualification for membership is a score at or above the
98th percentile on an approved IQ test. There are two different ways you can join. One is by
submitting evidence of scores from any of a number of approved intelligence tests that you have
already taken, or you can take the Mensa Admission Test. For more information about qualifying
to join, visit the Join Mensa page.
Robin's Roost - rest your feathers!
Have you seen the t-shirts saying, "I Survived the Florida Blizzard of 2025"? I love them! I may end up buying one because they make me laugh. The proceeds from the official site go to support the Kearney Center for the homeless. We ran errands that Tuesday and by dinner time it was snowing. Fortunately, we did not have to go anywhere for a couple of days, which was fortunate because I don't think our cars could have made it up our ice-covered driveway. When we went to bed Tuesday night, there was already a fair amount of accumulation, and we were just going to sleep when we were startled by a loud crash. Our shade sails could not withstand the weight of the snow and ice and came crashing down on the patio. The eyebolts and ropes were still attached to the house, but the sails were down. I hadn't even thought about taking them down! We lost power 3 times over the night, but the generator kept the heat running each time until the power was restored.
We woke on Wednesday morning to a blanket of about 3" of snow on the ground. I needed to be able to get to the bird feeders, so I did something I have not done since I left the north to move to Florida back in 1979 - I shoveled the sidewalk and cut a path across the driveway. I have NOT missed that activity!! Ray stood on the safety of the porch to watch me shoveling while admonishing me to be careful of the ice. I let the dogs out and they had to navigate the fallen shade sails to get across the patio and into the yard. Our newest addition just came from Ohio, so she was completely unfazed and tore wildly around the yard playing in the snow. Our next-most-recent addition also came from Ohio several years ago and she went cautiously out into the yard, watched her sister running around like mad, decided it was colder than she preferred and came trotting back to the house. My oldest one, Tiny, has been down here since 2017 and he stood under one of the chairs on the patio looking out at the snow and his sisters running around through it, and decided he wanted no part of it and refused to go anywhere but back inside. There was very little melting on Wednesday and what little melting there was turned to solid ice overnight. Ray had an appointment Thursday afternoon, but happily the sun was shining on the driveway and he was able to get his car out and up the driveway. The birds were going through the seed at record-breaking speed, and I had the pleasure of hearing the snow crunch under my feet as I cautiously made my way to each of the feeders. By Friday it was apparent which parts of the yard got sunshine, and which stayed in shade because the shady spots were still covered in snow.
It was fun seeing people out sledding, making snowmen, and enjoying this rare weather event. But after a couple of days, I was quite ready to have our temperatures moderate and have a return to our normal winter weather.
The LocSecs of Region 10 have already had their first meeting regarding nominating a Regional Coordinator to assume the duties of our RVC until elections can be held. If this is a position you would be interested in holding, let me know and I can nominate you. The nominations must be put in by early February so the LocSecs can meet, review the nominations, and elect someone. The person will not have a vote on the AMC, but they will be responsible for dealing with the Region's local groups, the financial issues, officer issues, etc. I have been in Mensa for 44 years now (how is that possible….) and I have never seen a situation like this before. It has resulted in a great deal of upheaval and rancor with a lot of different opinions going around about the different players involved. If you follow any of the Mensa Connect discussions, you are no doubt reading about it. I'm sorry to see this level of discord in the organization.
The weather will soon be conducive to outside walking again. Are there places you would enjoy walking? Let me know your favorite hiking spots and we can start making plans for some good walks in our beautiful area.
Hope to see you at Little Italy and I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. Whether it be a spouse, best friend, or favorite pet, hug those you love.
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